Linux and Open Source articles, topics and discussion with your questions answered by dmourati, a Linux expert with over eight years production experience.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

P2V Migration

Today I completed work for a P2V (Physical to Virtual) migration. The physical box was a Dell running FC6. The virtual machine was also running FC6 but under VMWare running under windows.

The steps I took were as follows.

Inventory physical box
  1. Accounts
  2. Scripts
  3. Services
  4. RPMs
Create Virtual Machine
  1. Boot VM
  2. Insert CD-ROM
  3. Install Vanilla OS
  4. Patch
  1. RPMs
  2. Home directory
  3. Services
  1. Verify servies
  2. Check filesystem

In all, it was a pretty complicated move. Luckily, I've done this before and knew what I was up against.

1 comment:

ICS Cyber Security said...

Thanks for providing information on P2V migration. I found this blog very helpful.